Palacký University Olomouc
Transition of 2D chemistry-based supercapacitor electrode material from proof of concept to applications
Supercapacitor (SC) is an electrical energy storage device with high energy density (comparable with rechargeable batteries), very fast 
charging/discharging, and high durability (sustaining millions of charging/discharging cycles with apparent loss of their capacities). 
We aim at increasing the energy density of SC beyond 50 Wh/L, which will lead to a paradigm shift in electrical energy storage technologies.

We utilize highly nitrogen doped graphene material (SC-GN3) offering energy density up to 200 Wh/L at a power of2.6 kW/L, 170 Wh/L at 5.2 kW/L, and 143 Wh/L at 52 kW/L and oppening doors to such technologies. Our international team is developing SC prototypes, which manufacturing adhere to industry standards of leading SC manufacturers.